Golf is a popular sport in Tampa and elsewhere in Florida, but like every sport, there is a risk of injury when playing it. While most people should not suffer from injuries after playing golf, it doesn’t mean that you will never encounter health problems that are related to this sport. Common mistakes such as overplaying, failing to warm up, or using poor techniques can lead to injuries when playing golf. If you’re suffering from a golf injury, you may be wondering about some of the common golf-related injuries and how you can address them. What are the Common Golf Injuries? There are some injuries that are more common among people who play golf. For example: Back pain: Back pain is common among the American population in any case, with 75-85% of the population estimated to suffer from this. This percentage may be even higher among golfers due to the pressure and stress that is placed on this area when playing golf. When people play golf for hours and constantly […] Continue reading