Carpal tunnel syndrome and other problems related to your carpal tunnel can cause significant pain and discomfort. Since we use our hands so frequently throughout the day for many different activities, suffering from pain in this area of your body can seriously impact your quality of life. We’ll look at some of the things you can do in Tampa to alleviate pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. Stay Warm Keeping the area warm can help to relieve pain, especially during the colder months. If you feel like your hands and wrists are often cold, take steps to keep them warmer. Cold weather can restrict blood flow throughout the body, and this can result in worsening pain and further problems. Wear gloves and use hot water bottles and other heat tools to boost your temperature and prevent further pain and problems as a result of the cold weather. Using heat to alleviate pain is one of the popular carpal tunnel syndrome treatments that you can do at home. Rolfing Rolfing is a […] Continue reading