Headaches are a very real thing for many people today. Not only are there many different types of them but there are also many natural treatments (e.g. rolfing, hydration, dimming the lights, a cold pack) available for them. These are things you should consider when trying to decide if rolfing will work for you. Tension Headaches It’s quite common for people to report that they’re feeling some unpleasant tension in their heads. This is mainly caused by improper posture. If you have this issue you should find ways to keep your neck and spine aligned. You may want to consider purchasing the appropriate pillows or other ergonomic devices to help you. Another reason why this is so common is people unknowingly clench and grind their teeth. Your dentist can give you a splint to help you with this or you can even purchase a sports mouthguard to use while you’re sleeping. If you’re suffering from this issue in the daytime you need to find a way to destress. Sinus Headaches […] Continue reading