Lower back pain is one of the most common complaints related to pain. In 2017, it was estimated that around 7.5%, or almost a tenth, of the global population, suffer from lower back pain. Back then, that was around 577 million people, a number which is unlikely to have decreased since. There are several reasons why people are suffering from lower back pain in Tampa Bay. Some of them are related to lifestyle, such as poor posture or sitting for long hours in front of a computer for work. Other causes of lower back pain may be linked to injuries that have damaged muscles or soft tissue. Whatever the cause of lower back pain, the common factor is that it is very unpleasant to live with. Luckily, there are several things you can consider doing in order to try and improve your lower back pain. Let’s look at some of the tried and tested methods that many people say have worked for them. Don’t Stay Still for Too Long When […] Continue reading