Why Chronic Pain Patients Need Information About

You’ve been in pain for quite some time now. When you’ve spoken to your doctor about this they’ve said that you have what’s known as “chronic pain.” Unfortunately, you find that you agree with them because the pain seems to be never-ending. Now that you finally have a name for what you’re feeling you wonder what you can do to help yourself feel better. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life feeling the way that you do now. Instead, you’re willing to do almost anything it takes to make yourself feel better. When you start searching for solutions for your chronic pain you come across Rolfing. As you read more about it you find that it may be beneficial for you. Before you seek out a practitioner there are a few things that you should know. Things You Should Know About Rolfing While you may be struggling to understand why you’re suffering from chronic pain, you don’t have to struggle to understand how Rolfing will help. Once […] Continue reading

How Rolfing Helps With The Treatment Of Tennis Elbow

While you may think of tennis elbow happening because a person has spent a lot of time on the tennis court you’d be surprised to learn that most cases have nothing to do with this at all. In fact, less than 5% of all cases are caused by being on the court. More commonly, this is found in people who are performing activities that require repetitive movement in their elbow, wrist, or arm. How it Occurs Also referred to as “tendinosis” this condition occurs when tiny tears occur in your tendon. This is a tough band of fibrous tissue that’s responsible for connecting your muscles to your bones. With this condition, your tendon that extends to your wrist becomes inflamed because it’s been torn. When this happens it results in painful spasms. Causes Tennis elbow doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time for this condition to develop because you must be using this tendon to repetitively grip onto something or continually moving your arm in a certain way. This is why […] Continue reading

Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome. Why Is It So Common? What To Do?

The “Carpal tunnel” is an arch-shaped passageway beneath the wrist formed by the bones in our hands called “Carpals”. Numerous images illustrating this structure are available from online image searches. This passage allows nerves, blood vessels, and specific muscles and tendons to extend into our hands. This arch can become distorted from repeated movements and thereby put pressure upon the important parts that travel beneath. This will cause “Carpal Tunnel Syndrome”. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a problem associated with numbness and tingling in our hands, and more urgently problems with the strength of our grip and the dexterity of our fingers. Discomfort is often the first sign, and disfunction the second. Rolfers address this problem by rebuilding the shape of the carpal bones’ original arch. With carpal tunnel syndrome, there are usually movement limitations “upstream” of the hands. In a Rolfing session, people are often surprised to discover how much normal movement they have lost in their elbows, shoulders, and often necks. The Carpal Bones below the wrist can become […] Continue reading

Our Feet Are Magnificent And Should Be Enjoyed!

Feet are the beginning of great posture and easy movement. Happy feet make a happy body. Are your feet happy? If you have tired achy feet at the end of your day the answer is probably no. If you have arch pain, heel pain, or toe pain, the answer is certainly no. But what if you have zero pain in your feet and ankles? Happy feet? To answer this question consider the joints and muscles upstream. If you have complaints about your knees, hips, and lower back, then you can bet you have feet that are causing those problems or being compromised by them. Either way, feet must literally bear the burden of the whole body. A very enlightening exercise is to take a walk on the carpet with your wet feet after a nice shower. Are your footprints clearly formed? Do they point forward? If not are they at least not-forward symmetrically? Probably not. And the difference between one foot and the other will probably also show on the […] Continue reading