How To Avoid Pickleball Injuries

Pickleball has gone mainstream today. In fact, The Economist has dubbed it “America’s fastest-growing sport.” A combination of tennis and ping pong, it uses paddles and a whiffle ball on an outdoor court which makes it a social sport that’s relatively easy to learn and great exercise for anyone who does so. However, just like with any other sport, there’s always the risk of injury, such as muscle strain. What are some of the most common injuries? Since this sport is seemingly easy to learn and play, many players tend to overexert themselves. Additionally, because pickleball is so easy to play, it can result in players picking up some bad habits (e.g., not putting enough emphasis on proper technique). Both things will predispose you to acute overuse injuries. The most commonly experienced injuries doctors see have to do with a person’s knees and lower back. There are a few reasons why these areas of your body are especially prone to suffering from injuries. These include the game’s fast start-stop nature, […] Continue reading

Could Rolfing Therapy Help Me To Overcome Trauma?

Throughout our lives, many of us will experience some form of trauma. When the trauma is physical, it can create long-term and serious problems in the future. Physical illness and pain can also impact our emotional and mental well-being, exacerbating the problem and leaving us feeling more pain than we already were. When exploring different forms of trauma therapy in Tampa, you may come across Rolfing therapy. Here are some of the ways that Rolfing massage could help you to overcome trauma. Rolfing Addresses Your Body’s Structure Rolfing therapy is different from many other forms of therapy in that it focuses on addressing structural problems with your body. If you have experienced trauma such as sexual violence or a severe car crash, your body’s alignment may have changed. Over time, the impacts of this physical trauma may only get worse, and you may find that your whole posture is affected too. Rolfing massage can help to address some of the concerns by working on the fascia of the body, which […] Continue reading

What Are The Benefits Of Rolfing Therapy?

Rolfing is not a new practice, but in recent years it has seen a renewed interest from people looking for solutions to chronic aches and pains. Originating in the 1940s, Rolfing is a form of therapy that has been utilized for decades. If you’re suffering from chronic tension and stress in your body, you might be looking to try alternative solutions to the more popular massage therapies and exercises. Here are some of the benefits of Rolfing therapy for people suffering from chronic aches and pains. Rolfing Addresses the Whole Body Unlike therapies such as deep tissue massage that focus on particular areas of concern, Rolfing therapy aims to address the whole body. Rolfing massage seeks to ease tension in the entire body by working to alleviate tightness in the fascia, or connective tissue. While some people may have specific areas where they have muscle knots or tension, others may be experiencing chronic pain throughout the body. Rolfing massage is suitable for people who are experiencing full-body pains as well […] Continue reading

5 Things You Can Do To Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome and other problems related to your carpal tunnel can cause significant pain and discomfort. Since we use our hands so frequently throughout the day for many different activities, suffering from pain in this area of your body can seriously impact your quality of life. We’ll look at some of the things you can do in Tampa to alleviate pain from carpal tunnel syndrome. Stay Warm Keeping the area warm can help to relieve pain, especially during the colder months. If you feel like your hands and wrists are often cold, take steps to keep them warmer. Cold weather can restrict blood flow throughout the body, and this can result in worsening pain and further problems. Wear gloves and use hot water bottles and other heat tools to boost your temperature and prevent further pain and problems as a result of the cold weather. Using heat to alleviate pain is one of the popular carpal tunnel syndrome treatments that you can do at home. Rolfing Rolfing is a […] Continue reading

What To Do To Relieve Pain From Tennis Elbow

Playing sports in Tampa can be incredibly enjoyable, but there is always the risk of developing health problems or sustaining an injury as a result. Tennis elbow, known officially as lateral epicondylitis, is a condition that causes pain in the elbow and is the result of overusing the muscles in this area. Since tennis is one of the most popular sports where extensive use of the forearm is required, it’s no surprise that the condition of lateral epicondylitis was given the colloquial name “tennis elbow”. Tennis elbow can cause serious pain in the arms and elbows and can impact many daily activities for people who suffer from this condition. There are some things that might provide some relief from tennis elbow, and we’ll look at some of the options you can consider. Avoid Using the Muscles Resting your arm and avoiding using the affected muscles could be one of the fastest and most effective ways to get relief from tennis elbow. If you’re still using your arm extensively despite suffering […] Continue reading

5 Therapies To Help You Recover Faster

If you’ve had an injury – whether playing sports or through an unfortunate accident – the recovery process can take a long time. Depending on the severity of your injury, it could be months or even years before you’re back to your full capacity. However, the good news is that there are multiple things you can try in Tampa Bay in order to help speed up the recovery process and get better faster. Let’s look at some of the therapies and treatments that could help you to recover as fast as possible and feel your best in no time. 1. Trigger Point Therapy Trigger point therapy is a great option for people who have a problem that is concentrated in one or two areas, although there is no limit to the number of areas this treatment could be beneficial for. It has been designed specifically to help with recovery from injuries, including those caused by sports. For this reason, trigger point therapy is a popular treatment that is used by […] Continue reading

Acknowledging The Important Benefits Of Rolfing

Pain is pain. It can happen to anyone at any age. However, when you have pain from Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ), it’s caused by something structural or functional. While your dentist may have suggested surgery, you’re not ready to go this route even though you’re ready to start feeling better. You’ve tried many ways to treat your TMJ, but have you ever stopped to consider using a more holistic health practice to alleviate your pain? This approach is another option worth considering. In specific, you should take a moment to consider getting a Rolfing (structural integration) treatment. The Benefits of Structural Integration for Health There are many reasons why this form of structural integration is beneficial for people suffering from TMJ. Before passing any judgment on this holistic system, why not take a moment to consider these benefits? Ultimately may find that many of these benefits are what you’ve been seeking all along. Relief for TMJ There are so many names that this disorder is known by (e.g., jaw clicking, […] Continue reading

Why Chronic Pain Patients Need Information About

You’ve been in pain for quite some time now. When you’ve spoken to your doctor about this they’ve said that you have what’s known as “chronic pain.” Unfortunately, you find that you agree with them because the pain seems to be never-ending. Now that you finally have a name for what you’re feeling you wonder what you can do to help yourself feel better. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life feeling the way that you do now. Instead, you’re willing to do almost anything it takes to make yourself feel better. When you start searching for solutions for your chronic pain you come across Rolfing. As you read more about it you find that it may be beneficial for you. Before you seek out a practitioner there are a few things that you should know. Things You Should Know About Rolfing While you may be struggling to understand why you’re suffering from chronic pain, you don’t have to struggle to understand how Rolfing will help. Once […] Continue reading

How Athletes Benefit From Rolfing

Are you an athlete who wants to take their training to the next level? Are you looking for anything that will help get you there? As an athlete who’s experienced some type of muscle or joint soreness, maybe even an injury or two, you may be tired. This soreness may be showing in your performance now, but it doesn’t have to. With rolfing for athletes, you’ll have another way to help your body heal. You’ll also be able to take your game to the next level. These athletic benefits are why you should take some time to get to know more about this therapy. Rolfing for Athletes Improves Posture and Form With this therapy, you’ll be able to improve both your posture and your form. You’ll learn how to make the right choices when you engage your muscles and joints in movement. This education is beneficial because you’ll create a formation pattern that doesn’t allow for complete healing once you’re injured. However, through the specific manipulations used here, your fascial […] Continue reading

Understanding Headaches And Their Causes

Headaches are a very real thing for many people today. Not only are there many different types of them but there are also many natural treatments (e.g. rolfing, hydration, dimming the lights, a cold pack) available for them. These are things you should consider when trying to decide if rolfing will work for you. Tension Headaches It’s quite common for people to report that they’re feeling some unpleasant tension in their heads. This is mainly caused by improper posture. If you have this issue you should find ways to keep your neck and spine aligned. You may want to consider purchasing the appropriate pillows or other ergonomic devices to help you. Another reason why this is so common is people unknowingly clench and grind their teeth. Your dentist can give you a splint to help you with this or you can even purchase a sports mouthguard to use while you’re sleeping. If you’re suffering from this issue in the daytime you need to find a way to destress. Sinus Headaches […] Continue reading